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A Beautiful Place

Chiming bells toll of the purest love so rings
This simple gift then given, stands the humble and courageous apart
Deny of the pain empty sorrow may bring.
Enrich the lives of others, to a path they too can chart.

Rest easy in the nights escape hear the angels gather and sing
To put right the days recompense, a legacy all blessed souls can start
Then finding our queue preserved eternally and at peace
'neath the feet of our god, then on to our heavenly mark

Where the most beautiful place flows with peace love and hope
Bathed in this glorious light found in each other's heart.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem, "A Beautiful Place", is a reflective piece that explores themes of love, courage, peace, and spirituality. It is evident that the poet has a strong grasp of language and uses it to create vivid imagery.

However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent use of meter and rhyme. The first two lines of the poem seem to follow an iambic pentameter, but this pattern is not maintained throughout the poem. Consistency in meter can help to create a rhythmic flow that enhances the reading experience.

In terms of rhyme, the poem seems to follow an ABAB pattern in the first stanza but this is not maintained in the following stanzas. Consistency in rhyme scheme can help to create a sense of unity in the poem.

The use of archaic language such as "queue" and "'neath" can be effective in creating a certain tone or atmosphere, but it can also make the poem less accessible to some readers. The poet might want to consider whether the use of such language is necessary to convey the poem's themes and messages.

Finally, the poem's themes and messages could be made clearer. The poet might consider whether each line and stanza contributes to the overall theme or message of the poem. If not, the poet might consider revising or removing these lines or stanzas.

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