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Novel approach to madness

Buckshot scattershot
shellshocked astronaut
Jason and the Argonauts
and Ulysses’ odyssey out to sea

Kill maim hop the freight
seventeen pieces of eight
walrus said time to fly
pirates on the wire scream alibis

It’s an uptight fright night
turn out the overhead lights
tears gone ducts dry
leave this senseless battle far behind

Twas ever thus or are we nuts
cobwebs grow matter molts
physical mental emotional breakdown
major league proportions no relief in sight

Scars of the body are visible to all
mental scars that no one sees
perhaps that's why an MD's price is high
while a psychiatrist's can be twice as steep

Maybe there's a rule in this
a hidden truth to be found
what's above water and where you can see it
is cheaper than what's in the ground

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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On virtually every poem I post, the AI responds with "It is not feasible to offer feedback." Why? Is this because i'm not a paid subscriber? Or just some preprogrammed response to anything that you folks don't like?

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