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None will know the answer, I’ll bet
They say that we’ll all be in Paradise
But it’s been some time getting there
Despite our long and fractured history
Why does the future remain a mystery
Tell me if we all will be left in despair
Or will we all have a roll of the dice
As all are still asking, are we there yet

There’s no need for one to be upset
Must we attain a certain state of mind
Or behaviour that cannot be criticised
An investment of just our personal lives
Or that of everyone that always strives
Is mankind to be redeemed, as advised
But a common question that you’ll find
As all are still asking, are we there yet

All our past transgressions we’ll forget
But should we aspire to reach that goal
As nothing we’ve done seems to matter
Maybe it’s the best of us to be selected
As all our misconceptions are corrected
When serious debate is just idle chatter
Perhaps all our lives are just a folderol
As all are still asking, are we there yet

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I gotta go really bad!
Great writing Twizzle, but for poetry you need to get imagery in my head to go with your words.
What were you seeing in your mind when you wrote that? Add it in.

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