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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Alfraido, My first Car

I once had an engine, I called it Alfraido,
with four spinning wheels, that easily go.
The seats, all leather, genuine in black,
and a horn that beeps with a cluck and clack.
That was my first ever car to show.

The coming of Spring

The buds are thickening,
And I feel as emptied
As an unfulfilled year.

Perhaps, also, I
Do pivot my life
As the spring's new growth.

And if my growth does cycle
With tender timed spring...
Then I shall not flower.

This time of new life,
Still in winter's grip,
Finds me unhappy,

And in remembrance
Of a year that housed
Arrested growth.


That laugh
I’ve been waiting for it
That honeysuckle voice
And her lips like marmalade
Eyes closed when she smiles
And a fitting crown upon her head
She walked in my dreams
Now I run to her
She steepens my heart
Tends to my wanting soul
Brings me to life
Without trying

Mother's Day Image prompt

With a touch of tender and grace
the profound image she displays
her kind words instilled in my mind
as she is a warrior who stands
strong on her ground
like a beaming light
shining through the
darkness of night
contain with a pure joy of love
she reigns with the supreme
of wisdom guidance
bring the truth of the testament evident
of life-learning lessons


Punching away shadows, shapes
Back were they came from, from the street
Lights smothering the Inky abyss and pockets
Above the silk black blanket
A sinister grin from a ghostly moon
that changed its shape
from a horn to a circular glow

My Favorite Childhood Toy

No doubt there weren’t bounds to the toys
That as a not-so-small four-year-old boy
Could own at his home, in a dream-like world
As the real one spun, whirled and it twirled.

‘To imagine’ was the gift I was given
A fashionable passion without need for permission
From remote controlled cars with wings that were driven
To action men on a mission, I’d quickly envision.

Icarus and Me

Maybe I have flown too close to the sun
I never know when to stay and when to run.
Like Icarus, I wear the clouds as my crown.
Don’t get too close, for I will fall and drown.
Under the ocean, I am one with the waves
Swimming deep down under, lost in the caves
I try to surface but to no avail
I try to swim but I can only flail.
Jagged edges cut me, sharp pieces of shells
I thought I was in heaven, but this is hell.
I scream but all that comes out is bubbles
I am alone and surrounded by troubles.

The Old Porch Swing

Resting on the covered porch
Hanging from two aging chains,
Sits a metaphor for simple living
Recording life's losses and its gains.

A simple swing with aging pillows
That we bought back in sixty nine,
Has listened to our fears and dreams
And all the joy we hoped to find.

We were there just three years later
With a baby boy we had been blessed,
We would rock our son for hours,
To raise this child we'd do our best.

Wrong Doing

Leaders should lead with grace and humility,
Guiding with respect and empathy,
For when they disrespect others,
They tarnish their own legacy.


Thoughts on thoughts on thoughts
I never really gave them any thought

But as time goes on, my brain slowly rots
Forever consumed by my never-ending thoughts

Mindlessly clicking, scrolling, exploring
I wonder, does it ever get any less boring?

No, it doesn’t, but I can’t stop it now
It’s something my mind simply wont allow

I can’t let go of the memories we made
Each time you made my heart burn and ache

At the end of each day, it comes flooding back
Will these thoughts ever let me just sit and relax?


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